EBS and the Local Church

People from many different churches lead and attend Explorer’s Bible Study classes because they feel it both complements the work of their home church and helps them mature in their relationship with God.

All involved in Explorer’s are encouraged to attend and participate in the full life of their home church.

As class members grow in faith and in their knowledge through in-depth study of God’s Word they become more motivated and better equipped for service in their local church.

Our Executive Director, Mike Harding, a former pastor says, “EBS was a blessing to several of the churches I had the opportunity to lead. Serious participants at EBS became devoted members of our church and were very involved in all aspects of body life. I love how EBS helps unite communities and strengthen local churches. If you are a pastor, I encourage you to embrace EBS in your community and encourage your folks to take part, you will see God do great things!”

We are grateful to the churches that allow us to study the Word of God in their facilities.

Local study leaders at EBS are volunteers who serve in devotion to God and receive no remuneration.